Sunday, January 16, 2011

Good Hit.

Having listened to J Lo's 2 new leaked potential singles, I can safely say she's gonna come back and make it big once again. Good production and excellent video direction.

Having said that, I am extremely old school for using blogger in this era of Twitter and Tumblr. I seriously can't work Tumblr at all. It bamboozles me. Too many different things, too many options, too many decisions to make. How about just letting me type out my words and have it laid out there for the world to see?

Had too much fun over the weekend. Friday and Saturday nights were spent booze-ing and partying away. Damn. Friday night was particularly enlightening. First time in my life I was intoxicated to the point, I used my chopsticks as a straw for my drink and sucked on it. Damn. The lowest point in my life.

Men's Fashion Week was entertaining as well. Don't like such parties but I like the free flow booze that comes with it. Not much of a social person. I don't make small talk well and I think i've forgotten 90% of the names of those people introduced to me last night.

Oh well. Sacrificed studying. But I'm gonna fail anyways so no point studying so hard? Haha (: hai.

Have been listening to Missy Elliot again and this line of her song "Funky Fresh Dressed" never fails to crack me up.

"My attitude is bitchy cos my period is heavy."

There you go. A post after a long while. It's therapeutic somewhat. I need company and friends now.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Just The Way You Are (Glee Version)

Yes. I only like the Glee version. I think Bruno Mars sings too high. It's quite annoying and a little grating. So here I am back again after a long long pause. Actually, i'm just trying to kill time while waiting for Desperate Housewives to finish loading up (:

Life is different now. I'm happier. I'm gonna miss the Paediatrics department. It's one of those things that you look back with fond memories.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sweet Transvestite.

In many ways, i'm like a Sweet Transvestite. Ok, not in the practical sense but in the emotional sense. Someone was right. I am in my own world sometimes, doing my own thing that I don't notice how people feel about me. I've always thought I read people quite well but turns out that I was wrong.

The paediatrics department just doesn't get me sometimes. I've never had any issues with adult Medicine. Some comments that some people make get to me. I dunno what I can do to make it better. How I behave and how I work, it just doesn't fit with the department.

So once again, I am somewhat depressed. Comments that they make. I really don't care about the comments at times but I sometimes wonder too much what they think of me. I can't believe I'm having to deal with such thoughts and emotions while working. Isn't it supposed to be fun? I hate it when things are not straightforward.

Such a frigid department. Such a cold department. I dunno if I could actually deal with such bullshit anymore. It's quite depressing.

Doesn't help that there some other issues I have to deal with internally as well.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Gawd. I'm sitting here, almost bored to death. Starbucks on leave AND trying to study but fail.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Open Your Heart.

Leave just started. It's quite an amazing feeling till your successor phones you at 715am desperately asking you to mail him the team list. And then having to fetch both your sisters at 730am AND 830am out for work.

Leave hadn't even started and I was already tired. Decided to treat myself to shopping. Walked into Burberry and bought the first thing that caught my eye. I told myself I had to start big so that the rest wouldn't matter as much. Hit Fred Perry and the Zara sale next. Damn. My card cried out in pain.

But it's worth it. I felt better. Thinking of spending more. But I must save for the iPhone 4.0 and the damn iPad that looks so sexy, I HAVE to have it even though I don't need it.

Money problems.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hello Seattle.

Owl City's album is really quite good. The correct blend of electronic, dance and melodies (with nice layering) for me. It really perks me up just listening to the tracks. Especially "Hello Seattle". Not the track with the lyrics but the instrumental one.

I think after 1 month of medicine, I'm kinda almost settling in. Almost. At least I'm not jaded as yet. Strangely, thinking through medical issues and considering the pros and cons is somewhat interesting. For me at least. That's why I like weekend rounds. I can round by myself (slowly I know, covering only a few before the registrar comes) and think through the issues and come up with a plan.

With those moments alone, there's no one there to judge you for thinking slowly and to pressure you. Makes my day when some of the decisions I make (put a KIV there cos humji) are actually right and I can happily cancel the KIV part. (:

Wish I had more study time to myself. I have almost zero motivation outside work hours. Haha (:

Ok. Enough about work. Just come home quickly.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Give Up That Funk.

What if.

The "What Ifs" of life will always come to plague you at least once. Was just wondering what would have happened if I didn't make certain choices or stuck with certain situations. One in particular and the Facebook news stream just jogged my memory.
